Better World Books took part in the Book Blast event at University Park Mall in Mishawaka, IN. During the event local children participated in a variety of book-related activities including making their their story books, listening to books read aloud and receiving free books from Better World Books. Magician, Steve Vaunt came to entertain the children while incorporating literacy into his act. Vaunt encouraged children to get involve in the “I Love to Read” program for schools promoted by WSBT-TV. He also encouraged the children to pick up their free books from Better World Books to get them started on some new reading. Better World Books was excited to have an opportunity to reach out to the community near our Mishawaka, IN warehouse. See picture below from the event.

Book Blast participants pick out books.

Children could take part in a variety of activities including making books, listening to stories and taking books home.

Children search for the perfect book to take home.

Comedian Steve Vaunt makes children laugh while encouraging them to read more.