Invisible Children

For over two decades, a man named Joseph Kony and his rebel army have terrorized and displaced the people of northern Uganda. In an effort to combat the injustice done in this region, Invisible Children has launched innovative programs that advance education and create lasting stability.

Working to help this war-affected area recover, Invisible Children addresses these core problems: poor access quality education and lack of economic opportunities. Rather than putting a band-aid on a gaping challenge, the organization uses long-term development methods to address the roots of the conflict and create sustainable life change for the people of Uganda.

This project will provide newly resettled families with the educational opportunities they were denied during the conflict. Specifically, Invisible Children will provide comprehensive literacy training to 400 individuals returning from displaced camps. These 400 participants will use their literacy skills, paired with microfinance training, to help create and manage small businesses that will change the lives of their families, create opportunities for friends and neighbors, and advance the economic standing of their community at large.


Invisible Children is equipping the Village Savings and Loands Association (VSLA) group members with numerical, writing, reading and life skills. This Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) training will target 20 VSLA groups located in the Amuru and Gulu Districts of Northern Uganda. Each group consists of an average of 25 members. The FAL classes will run for a period of at least 10 months after which the groups will be graduated. Each of the 20 groups will select one person from within the group that has writing and reading skills to be a FAL Facilitator.

Since this is a new intervention, Invisible Children will hire consultants to train the staff together with the Instructors on how to conduct FAL and come up with a training Curriculum. The Training of Trainees (TOT) will be carried out to equip the staff and Instructors with the necessary skills for implementing FAL effectively. After the training, the different FAL Instructors will go back to their various groups and come up with a timetable for conducting lessons. FAL classes are expected to run for a period of 10 months with each group meeting once a week for at least 2 hours. Invisible Children staff will carry out routine supervision of the FAL lessons so make sure that the Instructors are offering the right information and offer necessary technical support

The Expected Output of this project is that group members will acquire numerical, reading, writing and life skills that will improve their individual businesses as well as VSLA activities. Members will be able to make proper decisions on their businesses because of the life skills that they will receive during the training.

IC has hired Functional Adult Literacy trainers and put them through a rigorous training process to prepare them for their role as community facilitators of the project. The procurement process has begun for the supplies of the project and the program’s curriculum is currently in the final stages of development. Training should commence early June once the curriculum is completed by the end of May.

Here is the link to more info on this initiative from Invisible Children.