Our Lady’s Primary School serves an area in Dundee which has been highlighted as an area of high deprivation. We welcome children with a range of backgrounds and cultures and almost half of our school population identify as having English as an additional language. In line with our school values we We believe that it is of the utmost importance that all children learn to read, write, converse with others and have enough vocabulary to explain their thoughts, feelings and ideas with others if they are to be equipped with the skills for learning, life and work.
Our projects will allow 4 groups of people to benefit from the pleasure of reading. Our children’s literacy skills will be improved which will be apparent as they progress through the school year. Our parents and families will have much more involvement with the children and school, and younger siblings will have the opportunity to engage with books and story time before joining us officially in Primary 1.
Children and families who have English as an additional language will have the opportunity to read dual language books to reinforce and consolidate their learning of the English language. Finally, the residents of the local nursing homes will have their lives brightened and enhanced through the interaction with children. Sharing books about the history of their local area and talking about their experiences will keep their minds active and give them an added activity within which to participate.
Our children are continually developing their love of reading and are dedicated to building a reading culture within our school and the wider community. The funding allocated to us will ensure that this goes from strength to strength.